How to Take Care of a Baby Betta Fish

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You may be reading this article because you're new to the betta fish world and aren't sure how to showtime. Or perhaps you lot have some betta feel simply want to know more about how to heighten a infant. Either mode, we've got you covered.

You need to know from the kickoff that babe bettas are exceptionally difficult to enhance, then it's recommended that only very experienced and knowledgeable fish owners and breeders attempt to raise betta fry. It's besides generally recommended that you don't purchase any from a pet store.

However, if y'all've found yourself in possession of betta fry, we'll walk you through some of the basics of raising baby bettas successfully. aquarium plant divider

Where Can I Get a Baby Betta Fish?

baby betta
Image Credit: Pantherius, Shutterstock

This is the tricky part. Essentially, betta fry are very delicate and more often than not die quite easily if they aren't cared for properly. About pet stores don't requite them the best start in life, so you'll need to apply your own judgment by checking on the weather condition of the fry inside the pet store tanks. The youngest a betta fry should be is 7 weeks one-time if you're going to purchase one and bring it home.

Bettas are typically kept and sold in cups, then check to see if the water is clean and how active the fry is. If there's a lot of dead fish in the tanks and cups, don't buy your fish at that location and visit some other pet or fish store.

Your next best bet is ownership a betta fry from a good breeder. Search online and look for message boards and groups devoted to betta fish, and someone will probable be able to help.

One of your best options is to breed your own. If you have a hand in the convenance of betta and are able to intendance for newly hatched fry, you're more likely to heighten them successfully.

Baby Betta Growth Chart

crowntail betta in tank
Image Credit: Piqsels

Betta fish are thought to be fully developed by 7 months of age only are still capable of growing in size, depending on how well kept they are.

The average length of an adult betta is ii.25 inches but can grow upwardly to 3 inches under the right conditions, and they tin live from two to 4 years equally pets.

Betta Age Betta Length
Egg 0.03-inch diameter
ane-day sometime fry 0.ane inch
1 calendar week 0.ii inches
2 weeks 0.25 inches
three weeks 0.34 inches
iv weeks 0.45 inches
5 weeks 0.6 inches
6 weeks 0.85 inches
seven weeks 1.1 inches
viii weeks ane.iii inches
9 weeks 1.55 inches
10 weeks 1.7 inches
11 weeks 1.9 inches


What Kind of Tank Does My Baby Betta Demand?

close up betta fish
Paradigm Credit: Pixabay

A baby betta should be in a two-gallon tank at an accented minimum, but 2.v to v gallons is the optimal size. Any smaller can be dangerous to their wellness and will stunt their growth, while any larger can cause stress.

Yous tin increase the size of the tank when they become adults. Additionally, the tank must be fully cycled, and the water parameters demand to be maintained. The tank needs to be kept as close to pristine every bit possible.

Adult bettas require heated water, and the baby bettas really need the h2o to exist a niggling higher in temperature. A temperature of 80° F is ideal, but you should stay in the 76° F to 82° F range.

If you decide to apply substrate, yous should only utilise sand or small gravel and avert large rocks or gems. Bettas of all ages enjoy exploring and will investigate the substrate. Betta fry run the chance of becoming trapped nether larger rocks or gems and could drown.

Lastly, you must be very careful when irresolute the water. Betta fry eat oftentimes and poop a lot, so changing the water is very necessary, only information technology can as well crusade the fry a lot of stress. Be equally gentle as possible when handling the betta fry during h2o changes, and attempt not to brand a lot of noises effectually the tank in full general.

If yous opt to utilise a filter, it volition cut down on the number of water changes, but you must use a sponge filter. Otherwise, you lot run a risk your infant betta getting sucked up into the stiff electric current.

What and How to Feed Your Babe Betta

brine shrimp
Image Credit: Dan Olsen, Shutterstock

Every bit already mentioned, infant bettas consume a lot but feeding them can be a piddling catchy. Your best bet is feeding your fry alive nutrient such as alkali shrimp and daphnia, besides as tubifex worms, grindal worms, white worms, and musquito larvae.

If you aren't able to feed your fry live food, you can attempt out frozen and thawed likewise miniature pellets (which can also be crushed to brand it easier for the fry to consume).

You lot will need to feed your baby betta several times every day. A minimum of 2 times a day but definitely more if they are very young. Equally your baby betta grows, the size of the food should become bigger besides.

Tin Baby Betta Fish Live Together?

betta fish in aquarium
Image Credit: Arunee Rodloy, Shutterstock

Up until a certain age, baby bettas tin absolutely live together. By the time they reach most viii to ix weeks of age, the Bettas will start to show their colors. This tin can occur at an earlier stage, merely this is quite rare. When they begin to bear witness their colors, the males volition commencement to bear witness aggression, and so this is a good time to split up them.

One time they are separated, you can either provide each of them with their own tank or yous tin can put them in cups. Keep in mind that bigger bettas are quite likely to consume smaller fish.

You should also avert placing any other tank mates in with a very young betta. Again, this could cause potential impairment and stress, even with the most benign tank mates.

How to Brand My Infant Betta Grow Bigger

crowntail betta_Seno Aji_Pixabay
Image Credit: Seno Aji, Pixabay

The best manner to ensure your betta grows to a large and healthy size is based entirely on how well y'all're taking care of it and how former it is.

First, you should ensure the aquarium is a minimum of 5 gallons in size (and larger is always amend). It should have filters to help maintain the water, which will proceed the tank in the most pristine status. You lot should besides be sure to go along an center on the temperature and that it falls within the tropical range of 76° F to 82° F. Invest in an internal thermostat heater that can maintain an platonic 78°F temperature.

Diet is too key and needs to consist of food that is rich in poly peptide. Bettas are carnivores, so follow the advice in our section above on what to feed your baby betta and it will help your fry to thrive. Exercise as much research as possible on what to feed your fry so your baby betta will eat well.

Limiting stress is super important, and you should be familiar with some of the more than common aquatic diseases, such as:

Meticulous monitoring of your infant betta and ensuring yous've done everything to help protect it and intendance for information technology should all potentially allow your fry to abound bigger and alive longer.

How to Breed Betta Fish

male and female thai betta fish
Prototype Credit: subin pumsom, Shutterstock

You need to showtime with a breeding tank, which is also the tank that the fry will grow up in. Your best bet is a 10-gallon tank and no substrate.

Female betta fish can be kept together in the aforementioned tank. Commonly, iv to half-dozen in a tank should be fine. Male Bettas must exist housed separately, or chances are, they will fight to the death, hence their original name, Siamese Fighting Fish.

Ensure the male is energetic and healthy, has undamaged fins, and is brightly colored (interestingly, studies have shown that female person bettas seem to adopt crimson over blue-colored males).

Kickoff by calculation the female person into the breeding tank and so add the male after about thirty minutes. They'll appoint in mating rituals that volition include the male making a bubble nest that floats on the top of the tank's water (it will look like a large cluster of tiny bubbles). The male then hovers under the nest and waits to mate with the female.

One time they've mated, the female will lay her eggs, and she should be removed once this is done. The male will commencement placing the eggs in the bubble nest and will spend the next three days looking after the nest and the newly hatched betta fry. One time the fry are pond on their own, the male person should be removed, and you tin starting time feeding the babies. aquarium plant divider


Now you know what it takes to heighten a baby betta. Information technology's not an easy job—fifty-fifty the process of buying a betta fry tin can exist daunting. You should most definitely do a lot of enquiry before you opt to purchase your first fry, and keep in mind that information technology is actually a chore meant for someone with feel with bettas.

We hope we've provided you with a bit of insight into raising a betta fry. It'due south absolutely a labor of beloved, and while challenging, it'due south also very rewarding.

Featured Image Credit: Agusngidem, Shutterstock


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