Can You Defrost Chicken Cook and Freeze Again

Food safe is important, especially when it comes to frozen chicken. Salmonella is risky business concern and you definitely don't want it creeping effectually your food. Information technology's common to buy frozen chicken at the store or bring fresh craven dwelling from the butcher and freeze it in an airtight container or ziplock purse.

And as long as you take the necessary precautions when bringing it dorsum up to temperature, it'due south perfectly safe to swallow.

But what if you thaw out chicken wings and realize you already made dinner plans? Or yous melt off a big batch of frozen thighs and want to refreeze the leftovers?

Tin can y'all refreeze chicken? Co-ordinate to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, the answer is yes, every bit long every bit you lot exercise it safely.

Salmonella Safety

Salmonella is a nasty, food-borne affliction that tin can contaminate raw meat and poultry and brand you really sick. Thankfully, when you cook craven all the way through to 165ºF, the salmonella dies and the meat is rubber to eat.

Maintaining proper temperatures keeps the nasty salmonella from living on the chicken. That'south why information technology's and then important to freeze, thaw, and cook chicken properly.

Safety Freezing

When freezing craven, get-go make sure information technology's deeply wrapped. You lot can simply throw the prepared package (those plastic-wrapped styrofoam containers) into the freezer, but it'southward amend to add another layer of plastic wrap or throw information technology into an closed bag for good measure.

If you buy chicken from the butcher, you definitely need to re-wrap it. And so make sure your freezer hits 0º or below then it freezes quickly and stays that way for as long every bit y'all need.

Information technology too doesn't injure to put a date on the parcel, just in case it gets lost in the freezer.

Safe Thawing

The safest way to thaw chicken is to do information technology slowly in the fridge. But if yous're running short on time, place it in a secure ziplock bag and set it into a cold h2o bath.

Brand sure to alter the h2o every one-half 60 minutes so it stays cold. You can also thaw craven in the microwave if admittedly necessary.

Just make sure you cook it immediately after thawing, as some parts may start to cook.

bbq chicken leftovers

Refreezing Uncooked, Previously-Frozen Craven

You thawed out a few pieces of chicken and realize yous won't be cooking dinner tonight. No problem! Information technology's rubber to refreeze thawed craven.

However, when it's fourth dimension to unthaw again and cook dinner, you may find that sure pieces are a dryer than usual. Wet is lost each time you thaw out the meat.

So if you snag a few packs of frozen chicken breasts at the grocery shop and let them thaw even a fiddling scrap, you can totally refreeze them. Just brand sure you thaw it properly.

Refreezing Cooked Chicken

Later on cooking off previously frozen chicken, you may decide yous need to refreeze the leftovers. Be sure to freeze them inside 3-4 days, and don't refreeze anything that'due south been left out on the counter and out of the fridge for longer than 2 hours.

Even so, if you're outside grilling chicken in the 90º heat, information technology'south all-time to refreeze it inside the hour.


USDA Nutrient Safe and Inspection Service. (2013, June 15). Freezing and Food Safety. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. (2011, May). Food Safety Information: Salmonella Questions and Answers. Retrieved Nov xiv, 2018, from

Also read our cooking safety guide on refreezing fish and beefiness.


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