If yous decided to attend the University of Alabama, get set for the best four years of your life. Freshman year flies by so relish every moment and get excited, because you chose the all-time schoolhouse in the country. Keep reading for 20 things every University of Alabama Freshman should know!


1. Say RIP to your favorite shoes.

Before coming to college, you probably made a checklist of all the things you HAD to get earlier coming to school and if yous're anything like me, shoes were on the top of that listing. Unfortunately before you lot realize it, your perfect new white converse volition be so muddy in layers of who knows what that you won't even call up what colour they were when yous showtime bought them.

two. Comfort colors will take over your closet.

Whether you're the typical sorority girl, the full frat boy, or only a college student trying to go by, Alabama is all about t-shirts. If you're from anywhere other than the south where no one wears t-shirts, you might exist worried you'll need to stock up on some before college to fit in…worry no more. In the first few months of school you'll assemble so many t-shirts that you won't even know if you lot accept real clothes anymore.

3. If yous join Greek life, it really volition modify your life.

Greek life isn't for everyone but if y'all have any interest in joining a fraternity or sorority, Exercise IT. Alabama'southward greek organisation is one of the biggest in the nation, and it truly is an experience that'll change your college life. From bringing you hundreds of the coolest people, to helping you find your best friends, to swaps, to greek week, and fundraiser events, the greek community is something y'all don't want to miss out on.

4. And and then, Fried Fri will become part of your weekly routine.

Fried Friday. The day you hate to love. Fried everything from mozzarella sticks, to chicken fingers, to mac north cheese balls, even to deep fried oreos, it'southward diabetes waiting to happen. Whether information technology's your cheat day, or merely your everyday meal, it'southward definitely another reason to make Friday your favorite day of the week.

v. Alabama is the tertiary rainiest state in America.

Information technology rains here…all the time. And information technology's not that rain where y'all walk outside and information technology'southward but an annoying drizzle…it pours. Alabama's weather can go 0-100 real quick and I mean from a sunny day with no clouds to a torrential downpour. So if you're from somewhere where it doesn't pelting, invest in a rain jacket, or a poncho, or even a small gunkhole, because you'll demand to make it to class somehow.

6. "Y'all" just happens.

"You lot all" isn't a matter anymore for all you lot w-coasters out there. In the first few months of schoolhouse, you lot'll probably brand fun of everyone maxim y'all until suddenly it'southward you, and your friends from home are all talking almost your transformation into a true southerner.

7. Sweet Home Alabama and Dixieland Please volition become your new anthems.

Sweet Home Alabama will always be a archetype but when yous actually motility to Alabama, information technology'll probably commencement playing in your head while you're trying to get to slumber. Dixieland Delight on the other hand is a song y'all'll probably mess upwards the first 100 times y'all sing information technology, but if you kind of but start nodding your head while yelling roll tide, yous'll be fine.

viii. You'll probably consume Jimmy Johns x times also many.

Who doesn't love food…especially sandwiches. Lucky for you guys out at that place, you don't need a daughter anymore to make you a sandwich because there'southward two Jimmy Johns on campus that are guaranteed to make your 24-hour interval even better.

9. Y'all will meet some of your all-time friends in the customs bath (unless yous live in Pres or Riverside where in that case, let'south hope you like your roommates.)

Moving into dorms is new and terrifying, especially when yous don't know anyone. I can't say that the prison brick walls and never-catastrophe hallways are comforting, but being with 30 other people experiencing the same thing, somehow makes information technology ok. Whether it's in the middle of trying to blow dry your pilus earlier going out, or awkwardly running into someone after your shower (with flip flops), at that place's cypher like making community bathroom bonds and laughing about how you lot can't believe you're really surviving.

10. Not knowing anyone will be awkward at first, only it will go better.

Dorsum to #9, awkwardness is inevitable. And granted, not everyone you meet is your long lost soulmate. For some, you'll endeavour to think of the craziest excuse of why yous have to go so y'all can get out of the conversation, and for others, you lot'll wonder how you've made it this far without them. Exist patient, everything will fall into identify.


11. If you're not from the due south, you'll learn a new discussion. Chacos.

A chaco. A very strappy sandal. That'south almost all I know almost chacos every bit before I moved to the due south, a chaco merely sounded like a foreign word I learned in Spanish class. If you're from the south, you probably beloved this shoe as it is claimed equally the "most comfy shoe there ever was." If you lot're not from the south, you've probably said a few times that you volition "never buy such a affair" and stop upwardly with ii pairs before your beginning semester is over.

12. Oversized t-shirts and running shorts is a lifestyle.

Equally I mentioned in #ii, t-shirts have over Alabama. Yet, for girls, every t-shirt is extremely oversized. If yous run across a swarm of a bunch of girls in L or Forty t-shirts with running shorts and nikes, they're probably walking to or from row.  It's kind of similar an unofficial uniform and if for some reason yous're wearing any sort of beautiful outfit, everyone will inquire "why you look so cute" fifty-fifty though you're in lulus and a nike naught-up.

xiii. Saban for president.

"The Church of Nick Saban" and "Saban for president" pretty much explain information technology all. Nick Saban is worshipped on campus forth with our national title winning football team (the reason for the nickname championship-town). Going to a school like Alabama, people probably hate you lot merely just smile and remember that they probably wish they could cheer on the tide and yell roll tide every bit obnoxiously as you.

14. The 2d you leave yous'll want to come dorsum.

If you're in loftier schoolhouse reading this, you probably have a inaugural app on your phone with how many days until motion-in twenty-four hour period. You probably can't wait to go to college, and all for adept reason. Except for when you get to higher, somehow even though it'south school, you lot never want to exit. Y'all might become homesick every once in a while but when you lot become home, you'll realize how much you miss your higher friends, and the freedom y'all have. And and so you'll probably pull upwards that countdown app all over again..

15. With 2 meal swipes, you tin eat at Bryant hall and it has the All-time dorm nutrient.

Dorm nutrient. Well, no comment there as I can't say it'southward a gourmet meal, just it'south college. Yous'll probably cease upwards eating kraft mac due north cheese the offset two months of school (or that might just be me and my bestfriend), only Bryant Hall changes it all. It'due south the athletic dorm and so if you're an athlete, you lot will honey your life even more but if y'all're not, with two swipes you can swallow at Bryant hall for breakfast and dejeuner. From omelets to grilled chicken, to any other healthy nutrient particular you can imagine, they have it.

sixteen. Dorm life is the best experience that you lot never want to experience again.

Living in a dorm is probably something y'all've either dreamed of forever, or dreaded forever but either way it'south completely worth it. There'southward nothing like living in an 8×8 box with a total stranger that can plough out to be your best friend or a consummate psycho. (For your sake, I promise information technology'due south the first one.)

17. Bryant Denny will concur some of your all-time memories.

Bryant-Denny Stadium. Probably the first thing you'll notice when touring campus and if y'all're anything like me and love football game, you'll freak out. Information technology's ane of the most gorgeous stadiums I've ever seen and once you get to school, you lot'll autumn in honey. (Freshman, the walk to the upper section feels like ETERNITY, simply once again you become through it with all your other get-go-timers, and y'all might fifty-fifty get your leg conditioning in for the week.)

xviii. Pita Pit is open until iv am.

Hither I go talking near nutrient again..but seriously 4.a.m. If y'all're studying until the break of dawn, or simply got home at two:thirty a.m. and you desire to weep of starvation, pita pit will save your life. Not only is it so good, and open so late, but it delivers, fast. Say bye to belatedly night cravings and howdy to the freshman 15.

19. Yous might desire to check upwardly on your depository financial institution statement every once in a while, because trust me your money will somehow disappear.

As you leave your parents for the starting time time, they'll probably exist heartbroken while watching you go on that plane with your viii over-packed suitcases (again, might just exist me). But they'll probably requite you an allowance of some sort that will disappear into thin air by the end of the calendar week. Every bit difficult as it is, effort to balance your upkeep considering being on your own and being able to spend money without your mom telling you what not to purchase, is Non a good combination.

20. Roll Tide.

Lastly, Roll Tide. Two words that fit into EVERY conversation. "Accept a good day!" "Roll Tide." "Happy Birthday!" "Roll Tide." "What are you doing today?" "Curl Tide." Joking…but seriously they'll go your two favorite words. Enjoy wearing bama gear considering information technology might be the start of a new friendship if someone sees that Alabama A, and of course it will start with a Curl Tide.

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Featured Epitome Source:saturdaydownsouth.com, wikipedia.com